I have been a WWE fan for more than 20 years. From the SUPERHERO era to BRET HART era followed by ATTITUDE era until the current lacklustre era, I have never ever lost my interest in the development and build-ups in WWE. However, thing doesnt look great and seems to go downhill for WWE at the moment. With worsening ratings and buyrates slumping to a record low, WWE team must really do something to ameliorate the situation. IMHO, below are some suggestions for WWE:
1) Bring back stables
Based on the ratings of the past Raw which featured DX reunion for one night only, the rating during the match of DX was the highest of that very night. Remember the days when we had stables like DX, Hart Foundation, Corporation, N.O.D., evolution, NWO and etc. During those days, there were a lot of interesting feuds were going on and every Monday night (US Time), i couldn’t wait to see what DX would do, how Stone Cold would kick McMahon’s #@%$# and etc. With stables, the feuds seemed to make more sense and generated more interests. At the time of writing, Randy Orton may be forming a stable with Cody Rhodes, ManU and Ted Biase. I really hope that this stable will not be a dud. I’m looking forward to see how things will progress in the forthcoming weeks.
2) The Protagonist
Looking at the vast pool of talents in WWE right, sadly to say, there’s none of them which lives to the status of Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Stone Cold and The Rock at their prime. WWE really needs this MAN which is the top draw which everyone will rise and go nuts when this is around. This MAN doesn’t need to be a great wrestler but he needs to know how to hype the crowd, make the audiences feel involved and has the edge over the other wrestlers. Usually, this MAN must have great catchphrases and charismatic. Well, i always think that HBK Shawn Michaels is capable of being the MAN but he is no more the old cocky and flamboyant Shawn Michaels that we had after his rebirth as a faithful Christian. With such a rare talent, i think the creative can build him into a kind of legend like Ric Flair who’s well revered. The other potential MAN who can take up this spot is Chris Jericho. Considering Chris Jericho is the top heel in RAW right now, we may not see him leading WWE in a near future. I guess the creative was actually pushing John Cena to be the MAN. Yes, he is quite over with the fans but only among kids. They need to rekindle Cena’s character to be more serious and mature. He also needs to brush up his mic skill as comparing to the likes of The Rock and HBK Shawn Michaels, his mic skill is really an amateur.
3) Make titles significant
Look at the current states of World Champ, WWE Champ, Intercontinental Champ, US Champ and tag team champs now. Those days in which these champs were respected are gone. I remember in the past, Intercontinental Championship Match was always fun to watch and the wrestlers who held it really took it seriously and the match’s always the MATCH of the NIGHT of the shows or at least, entertained! Remember Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect, Macho Man vs Ricky Steamboat, Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon and etc… Look at the current champion Santino. I have no idea why the creative puts this prestigous belt around the waist of this unconvincing and idiotic wrestler. They even makes him look like he can’t even beat a female wrestler. How about the once very entertaining matches? Tag teams are really in demise now in WWE! The current formula is simple: bring 2 MIA wrestlers together and form a tag team. Then, either put the tag team championship match in a dark match or let them defend the title once in a blue moon. Hey! When can we have those great teams like Hart Foundation, L.O.D., British Bulldogs, The Rockers, Hardy Boys and etc again? Apart from the World Champion and WWE champion, we hardly see any other titles on the line in PPV. So, i want to tell the creative to make those titles significant. Make them look like they really go all out to fight for the title and only give the titles to the deserved and talented! Revolve the storylines around the titles and make them significant and mean something. We, as WWE fan, deserve more than what we are having now!
There’s a column at the right bottom of WWE.com which fans can send feedback to improve the show. I strongly believe that as WWE.com could do it in the past, they still can reach another great height.
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