Friday, October 10, 2008

Some suggestions for WWE

I have been a WWE fan for more than 20 years. From the SUPERHERO era to BRET HART era followed by ATTITUDE era until the current lacklustre era, I have never ever lost my interest in the development and build-ups in WWE. However, thing doesnt look great and seems to go downhill for WWE at the moment. With worsening ratings and buyrates slumping to a record low, WWE team must really do something to ameliorate the situation. IMHO, below are some suggestions for WWE:

1) Bring back stables

Based on the ratings of the past Raw which featured DX reunion for one night only, the rating during the match of DX was the highest of that very night. Remember the days when we had stables like DX, Hart Foundation, Corporation, N.O.D., evolution, NWO and etc. During those days, there were a lot of interesting feuds were going on and every Monday night (US Time), i couldn’t wait to see what DX would do, how Stone Cold would kick McMahon’s #@%$# and etc. With stables, the feuds seemed to make more sense and generated more interests. At the time of writing, Randy Orton may be forming a stable with Cody Rhodes, ManU and Ted Biase. I really hope that this stable will not be a dud. I’m looking forward to see how things will progress in the forthcoming weeks.

2) The Protagonist

Looking at the vast pool of talents in WWE right, sadly to say, there’s none of them which lives to the status of Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Stone Cold and The Rock at their prime. WWE really needs this MAN which is the top draw which everyone will rise and go nuts when this is around. This MAN doesn’t need to be a great wrestler but he needs to know how to hype the crowd, make the audiences feel involved and has the edge over the other wrestlers. Usually, this MAN must have great catchphrases and charismatic. Well, i always think that HBK Shawn Michaels is capable of being the MAN but he is no more the old cocky and flamboyant Shawn Michaels that we had after his rebirth as a faithful Christian. With such a rare talent, i think the creative can build him into a kind of legend like Ric Flair who’s well revered. The other potential MAN who can take up this spot is Chris Jericho. Considering Chris Jericho is the top heel in RAW right now, we may not see him leading WWE in a near future. I guess the creative was actually pushing John Cena to be the MAN. Yes, he is quite over with the fans but only among kids. They need to rekindle Cena’s character to be more serious and mature. He also needs to brush up his mic skill as comparing to the likes of The Rock and HBK Shawn Michaels, his mic skill is really an amateur.

3) Make titles significant

Look at the current states of World Champ, WWE Champ, Intercontinental Champ, US Champ and tag team champs now. Those days in which these champs were respected are gone. I remember in the past, Intercontinental Championship Match was always fun to watch and the wrestlers who held it really took it seriously and the match’s always the MATCH of the NIGHT of the shows or at least, entertained! Remember Bret Hart vs Mr Perfect, Macho Man vs Ricky Steamboat, Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon and etc… Look at the current champion Santino. I have no idea why the creative puts this prestigous belt around the waist of this unconvincing and idiotic wrestler. They even makes him look like he can’t even beat a female wrestler. How about the once very entertaining matches? Tag teams are really in demise now in WWE! The current formula is simple: bring 2 MIA wrestlers together and form a tag team. Then, either put the tag team championship match in a dark match or let them defend the title once in a blue moon. Hey! When can we have those great teams like Hart Foundation, L.O.D., British Bulldogs, The Rockers, Hardy Boys and etc again? Apart from the World Champion and WWE champion, we hardly see any other titles on the line in PPV. So, i want to tell the creative to make those titles significant. Make them look like they really go all out to fight for the title and only give the titles to the deserved and talented! Revolve the storylines around the titles and make them significant and mean something. We, as WWE fan, deserve more than what we are having now!

There’s a column at the right bottom of which fans can send feedback to improve the show. I strongly believe that as could do it in the past, they still can reach another great height.

Saturday, September 20, 2008



昨天早上,收到朋友的邮件 "什麼是次貸危機!". 阅读后,真是让我恍然大悟,矛塞顿开.我特地转载他的邮件,让大家比较全面地了解什麼是次貸危機. 谢谢KT兄寄给我这封邮件,让我上了宝贵的一课.

> Subject: 什麼是次貸危機!

> 什麼是次貸危機一看就明瞭
> 過去在美國,貸款是非常普遍的現象,
> 從房子到汽車,從信用卡到電話帳單,貸款無處不在。
> 當地人很少一次現金買房,通常都是長時間貸款。
> 可是我們也知道,在美國失業和再就業是很常見的現象。
> 這些收入並不穩定甚至根本沒有收入的人,他們怎麼買房子呢?
> 因為信用等級達不到標準,他們就被定義為次級貸款者。
> 大約從10年前開始,
> 那個時候貸款公司漫天的廣告就出現在電視上、報紙上、街頭,
> 抑或在你的信箱裏塞滿誘人的傳單:
> 『你想過中產階級的生活嗎?買房吧!』
> 『積蓄不夠嗎?貸款吧!』
> 『沒有收入嗎?找阿囧貸款公司吧!』
> 『首次付款也付不起?我們提供零首付!』
> 『擔心利息太高?頭兩年我們提供3%的優惠利率!』
> 『每個月還是付不起?沒關係,頭24個月你只需要支付利息,貸款的本金可以兩年後再付!
> 想想看,兩年後你肯定已經找到工作或者被提升為經理了,到時候還怕付不起!』
> 『擔心兩年後還是還不起?哎呀,你也真是太小心了,
> 看看現在的房子比兩年前漲了多少,到時候你轉手賣給別人啊,
> 不僅白住兩年,還可能賺一筆呢!再說了,又不用你出錢,
> 我都相信你一定行的,難道我敢貸,你還不敢借?』
> 在這樣的誘惑下,無數美國市民毫不猶豫地選擇了貸款買房。
> (你替他們擔心兩年後的債務?向來相當樂觀的美國市民會告訴你,
> 演電影的都能當上州長,兩年後說不定我還能競選總統呢。)
> 阿囧貸款公司短短幾個月就取得了驚人的業績,
> 可是錢都貸出去了,能不能收回來呢?
> 公司的董事長--阿囧先生,那也是熟讀美國經濟史的人物,
> 不可能不知道房地產市場也是有風險的,
> 所以這筆收益看來不能獨吞,要找個合夥人分擔風險才行。
> 於是阿囧找到美國財經界的領頭大哥--投資銀行。
> 這些傢伙可都是名字響噹噹的大哥(美林、高盛、摩根),
> 他們每天做什麼呢?就是吃飽了閒著也是閒著,
> 於是找來諾貝爾經濟學家,找來哈佛教授,找來財務工程人員,
> 用上最新的經濟資料模型,一番金融煉丹(copula
> 差不多是此時煉出)之後,
> 弄出幾份分析報告,從而評價一下某某股票是否值得買進,
> 某某國家的股市已經有泡沫了,這一群在風險評估市場呼風喚雨的大哥,
> 你說他們看到這裡面有沒有風險?
> 開玩笑,風險是用腳都看得到!可是有利潤啊,那還猶豫什麼,接手吧!
> 於是經濟學家、財務工程人員,大學教授以資料模型、隨機模擬評估之後,
> 重新包裝一下,就弄出了新產品--CDO
> (注: Collateralized Debt
> Obligation,債務抵押債券),
> 說穿了就是債券,通過發行和銷售這個CDO債券,讓債券的持有人來分擔房屋貸款的風險。
> 光這樣賣,風險太高還是沒人買啊,
> 假設原來的債券風險等級是
> 6,屬於中等偏高。
> 於是投資銀行把它分成高級和普通CDO兩個部分(trench),
> 發生債務危機時,高級CDO享有優先賠付的權利。
> 這樣兩部分的風險等級分別變成了 4 和
> 8,總風險不變,
> 但是前者就屬於中低風險債券了,憑投資銀行三寸不爛"金"舌,
> 在高級飯店不斷辦研討會,
> 送精美製作的powerpoints 和 excel
> spreadsheets,當然賣了個滿堂彩!
> 可是剩下的風險等級 8
> 的高風險債券怎麼辦呢?避險基金又是什麼人,
> 於是投資銀行找到了避險基金,
> 那可是在全世界金融界買空賣多、呼風喚雨的角色,
> 過的就是刀口舔血的日子,這點風險簡直小意思!
> 於是憑藉著關係,在世界範圍內找利率最低的銀行借來錢,
> 然後大舉買入這部分普通CDO債券,
> 2006年以前,日本央行貸款利率僅為1.5%;
> 普通 CDO 利率可能達到12%,
> 所以光靠利差避險基金就賺得滿滿滿了。
> 這樣一來,奇妙的事情發生了,
> 2001年末,美國的房地產一路飆升,短短幾年就翻了一倍多,
> 天呀,這樣一來就如同阿囧貸款公司開頭的廣告一樣,
> 根本不會出現還不起房屋貸款的事情,
> 就算沒錢還,把房子一賣還可以賺一筆錢。
> 結果是從貸款買房的人,到阿囧貸款公司,到各大投資銀行,到各個一般銀行,
> 到避險基金人人都賺錢,
> 但是投資銀行卻不太高興了!
> 當初是覺得普通 CDO
> 風險太高,才丟給避險基金的,
> 沒想到這幫傢伙比自己賺的還多,淨值拼命地漲,早知道自己留著玩了,
> 於是投資銀行也開始買入避險基金,打算分一杯羹了。
> 這就好像阿宅家裏有放久了的飯菜,正巧看見隔壁鄰居那只討厭的小花狗,
> 本來打算毒它一頓,沒想到小花狗吃了不但沒事,反而還越長越壯了,
> 阿宅這下可傻眼了,難道發霉了的飯菜營養更好?
> 於是自己也開始吃了!
> 這下又把避險基金樂壞了,他們是什麼人,
> 手裏有1塊錢,就能想辦法借10塊錢來玩的土匪啊,
> 現在拿著搶手的CDO當然要大幹一票!
> 於是他們又把手裏的 CDO 債券抵押給銀行,
> 換得 10 倍的貸款操作其他金融商品,
> 然後繼續追著投資銀行買普通 CDO 。
> 科科,當初可是簽了協議,這些普通 CDO
> 可都是歸我們的!!
> 投資銀行實在心理不爽啊,除了繼續悶聲買避險基金和賣普通
> CDO 給避險基金之外,
> 他們又想出了一個新產品,就叫CDS(註:Credit
> Default Swap,信用違約交換)
> 好了,華爾街就是這些天才產品的溫床:
> 一般投資人不是都覺得原來的 CDO
> 風險高嗎,
> 那我弄個保險好了,每年從CDO裏面拿出一部分錢作為保險費,
> 白白送給保險公司,但是將來出了風險,大家一起承擔。
> 以AIG為代表的保險公司想,不錯啊,眼下 CDO
> 這麼賺錢,
> 1分錢都不用出就分利潤,這不是每年白送錢給我們嗎!
> 避險基金想,也還可以啦,已經賺了幾年了,
> 以後風險越來越大,光是分一部分利潤出去,
> 就有保險公司承擔一半風險!
> 於是再次皆大歡喜,Win Win
> Situation!CDS也跟著紅了!
> 但是故事到這還沒結束:
> 因為"聰明"的華爾街人又想出了基於
> CDS 的創新產品!
> 找更多的一般投資大眾一起承擔,我們假設
> CDS 已經為我們帶來了 50 億元的收益,
> 現在我新發行一個基金,這個基金是專門投資買入
> CDS 的,
> 顯然這個建立在之前一系列產品之上的基金的風險是很高的,
> 但是我把之前已經賺的 50
> 億元投入作為保證金,
> 如果這個基金發生虧損,那麼先用這50億元墊付,
> 只有這50億元虧完了,你投資的本金才會開始虧損,
> 而在這之前你是可以提前贖回的,首次募集規模
> 500 億元。
> 天哪,還有比這個還爽的基金嗎?
> 1元面額買入的基金,虧到 10%
> 都不會虧自己的錢,賺了卻每分錢都是自己的!
> Rating Agencies
> 看到這個天才的規畫,簡直是毫不猶豫:給出
> AAA 評級!
> 結果這個基金可賣瘋了,各種退休基金、教育基金、理財產品,
> 甚至其他國家的銀行也紛紛買入。
> 雖然首次募集規模是原定的 500 億元,
> 可是後續發行了多少億,簡直已經無法估算了,
> 但是保證金 50 億元卻沒有變。
> 如果現有規模 5000
> 億元,那保證金就只能保證在基金淨值不虧到本金的
> 1% 時才不會虧錢,
> 也就是說虧本的機率越來越高。
> 當時間走到了 2006 年年底,風光了整整
> 5年的美國房地產終於從頂峰重重摔了下來,
> 這條食物鏈也終於開始斷裂。
> 因為房價下跌,優惠貸款利率的時限到了之後,
> 先是普通民眾無法償還貸款,
> 然後阿囧貸款公司倒閉,
> 避險基金大幅虧損,
> 繼而連累AIG保險公司和貸款的銀行,花旗、摩根相繼發佈巨額虧損報告,
> 同時投資避險基金的各大投資銀行也紛紛虧損,
> 然後股市大跌,民眾普遍虧錢,
> 無法償還房貸的民眾繼續增多,
> 最終,美國Subprime Crisis 爆發接近成為 Prime
> Crisis。
> Credit Crunch
> 開啟的地獄大門,還不知道如何關上……

Friday, September 19, 2008


约了小妹在勿洛区Mr Bean前面的镭射光碟店前见面。等了良久,小妹还没出现,我的"不耐烦"又要来了,便打了个电话用责备的语气催她过来.一直以来,我都习惯了对小妹"不耐烦".我想她也已习惯了吧,因为大家都不是会把东西放在心上的人,就继续地观赏着我的 Shawn Michaels 对垒 Chris Jericho. 突然,小妹出现了,脸色有点反常地难看.哎呀.心想,应该是她心情不好,加上我刚才的"不礼貌"...bluetooth了她要的歌给她后,她就凶巴巴地走了,留下我在那里有点不知所措.

我突然觉得有点内疚.我时常都会给自己籍口,把自己的缺点合理化,譬如"我是真性情,骂了就算啊...发泄而已啊..."等等.我为什么会因为那样芝麻绿豆的事,而发脾气呢?这有必要吗?哎呀... 我也是没心的啦.

回到家,整体的心情还算不错,却好像感觉不太好.好!就对自己许下承诺,不要那么没耐心和学习让自己不再乱发脾气了. 突然,想起著名作家刘墉所说的一句话"人就这么一辈子".人不就这么一辈子吗?不论我们做了任何事,那件事只能发生一次. "我常想世间的劳苦愁烦,恩恩怨怨,如有不能化解的,不能消受的,不也驮过这短短几十年就烟消云散了吗?若是如此,又有什么好解不开呢?"-刘墉

(特地选了几首快乐的歌曲来播放,有Louis Armstrong的 What a wonderful world , Take that 的 Beautiful World 和 Shine,让空气充满着快乐幸福的声音.我一直深信快乐是很有感染性的.)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Warwick Avenue

It's just another sleepless Saturday night. I am feeling fresh although deep down in my heart, i really hope that i can fall asleep and enter the beautiful dreamland. All these are due to the fact that i had an afternoon nap.

There's no EPL? No WWE? No movie to watch now? What can i do to kill the time?

At this very moment, my Winamp is playing Warwick Avenue by Duffy ( I have been listening to this song over and over again. I first came to know about this song while listening to a compilation of UK top 40 i downloaded. I was (and am still) so amazed by the melody and Duffy's melancholy voice. She puts so much emotion into this song and everytime i listen to the song, i'm touched.

The song makes reference to Warwick Avenue tube station, near Little Venice in inner North-West London ( For folks, this is just an ordinary tube station in the vast London city. However, there must be some memories left here. The lyric is about a struggle of a girl to drop the past and have a brand new start from being haunted by the one who hurted her. She's broken-hearted and knows those days spent together were gone.

" I'm leaving you for the last time baby...
You think you're loving but you don't love me.
I've been confused outta’ my mind lately...
You think you're loving but I want to be free.
Baby you've hurt me. "

Somehow, i'm deeply touched by this song. Duffy's soulful voice blends in so well. I can feel the pain she's going through as she puts so much emotions into the song. She sings
"Don't think we're okay, just because I'm here...
You hurt me bad, but I won't shed a tear. " but I'm so sad to see her cried in the music video( It really shows great agony and oh so painful.

Well. It's almost 2am. I'm still wide awake. I think i'll spend the rest of the night listening to the song (hopefully i won't). Even if i turn off the light and lie on the bed, it'll be a tough task to not have the song playing repeatedly in my mind.

When I get to Warwick Avenue...
Meet me by the entrance of the tube.
We can talk things over, a little time...
Promise me you won't step outta line.

When I get to Warwick Avenue...
Please drop the past and be true.
Don't think we're okay, just because I'm here...
You hurt me bad, but I won't shed a tear.

I'm leaving you for the last time baby...
You think you're loving but you don't love me.
I've been confused outta’ my mind lately...
You think you're loving but I want to be free.
Baby you've hurt me.

When I get to Warwick Avenue...
We'll spend an hour, but no more than two.
Our only chance to speak, once more...
I showed you the answers, now here's the door.

When I get to Warwick Avenue...
I'll tell you baby, that we're through.

I'm leaving you for the last time baby...
You think you're loving but you don't love me.
I've been confused outta’ my mind lately...
You think you're loving but you don't love me.
I want to be free, baby you've hurt me.

All those days spent together, I wished for better,
But I didn't want the train to come.
Now it's departed,
I'm broken hearted, seems like we never started.
All the days spent together, when I wished for better,
And I didn't want the train to come

You think you're loving but you don't love me.
I want to be free, baby you've hurt me.
You don't love me,
I want to be free,
Baby you've hurt me.

Friday, September 5, 2008



屏幕。只要有任何风吹草动,我就要用我的独门绝技,一只手掌两根手指,迅速地按ALT + TAB, 让我项目的视窗扩大到整
要一切恢复平静,我又会马上按ALT + TAB,继续我的著作。整个过程需要你的动作熟练,要一气呵成,才能达到最佳效果,
真可谓考功夫。(OK! 够了.废话”车”得太多了!)

一个非常迷信的人,而且是一个”大男人”.几乎是任何事情, 他都会问神明,才决定.所以很多事情都因为神明说今年不适合做,
而丈夫还是依然故我.从她的谈话和短讯中,我深深地感到她的无助和彷徨. 首先,我问她她可否有能力和有信心改变他.她的答案
情.当我们真地不知如何是好时,为何不尝试放下它呢? 要改变一个人根深蒂固的想法,不是一个容易的事情.改变不到一个人,
.我们人很多时候,在气上心头时,往往说出的话和做的决定都是错误的,每每事后而后悔,又何苦呢?” 待会,这个亲人会去跟一
位辅导员谈.我深深地祝福她. :)(备注:
ii) 就这样我献上了我在”部落格”社群的第一次.想了想,都不知要放什么题目,就放”我在部落格的第一次”)